Enchanting Fantasy Artist Nene Thomas Fairy Figurine Collection a First! Fairy-Art Luminaries Set Each Collectible Aglow! - You'll treasure fantasy artist Nene Thomas's art in a whole new way with this lovely collection of captivating and magical butterfly figurines. These breathtaking fairies bring wonder, romance, and fresh floral delight to this uniquely illuminated collection, starting with Issue One, Amethyst Haze. Soon this sparkling collectible will be joined by Issue Two, Silken Sapphire and additional fairy figurines, each a separate issue to follow.‡These handcrafted, hand-painted Nene Thomas fairy figurines are Bradford Editions exclusives. Each one is paired with her own sculpted votive holder, which lights up at the flip of a switch to create a unique candle-like glow. Magnificent faces, fantasy ensembles, and glorious colors give each fairy in the collection a unique look and personality. Let these fairy art luminaries ignite your imagination in your home! Fantasy artist Nene Thomas art collectibles are always welcomed with heavy demand. Don't wait; order now! *** Express Shipping Available ***
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